Q. I intend to get a round-the-world ticket, first going to Africa for a month, on Jan 31, 2011 and arrive in the UK at the end of February. If I apply for my Youth Mobility Scheme visa now and it is issued to me more than three months before I will arrive in the UK, will I still be able to work in the UK? I have heard you have to be in the country within three months of having the visa issued.
A. The United Kingdom Border Agency website states the foreign national has up to the date of expiration of their visa to enter the UK. However, it is ultimately up to the immigration official at time of entry to determine entry clearance. It is often advised that a three-month period is reasonable time in which to enter the UK based on submittal of the application of the visa and the intention to enter the UK. This is a working holiday-maker visa and therefore based on the expectation that you are travelling and working to partially fund your travels. It also allows you multiple entries into the UK for the duration of the validity of the visa.
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