If you’ve got an awkward family photo or two hidden away in your mum’s album then spare some sympathy to the poor mugs who’ve ended up in a new book, Awkward Family Photos.
Or maybe not. Let’s just have a good laugh because this truly is the most cringe-worthy selection of grimaces, fashion faux pas and unintentional smut that ever graced the front of a family Christmas card.
Favourites include this over-friendly pose with the family dog…
…or this fetching family group in matching outfits. Cute, but someone’s wet their pants.
The book is a spin-off from website awkwardfamilyphotos.com, which has been responsible for distracting millions of people from work since its launch.
Awkward Family Photos US co-creator, Mike Bender, said: “It started in April last year after my mum hung a photo on the wall from a skiing holiday and my brother and I were kicking our skis in the air. It was a painful memory and the next day I had lunch with [co-creator] Doug Chernack and he said he had lots of similar pictures.”
Chernack said: “It seems that awkward photographs are pretty universal, although there are some pretty special photos from Texas.”
Awkward Family Photos by Mike Bender and Doug Chernack is published in hardback by Hodder and Stoughton, priced £12.99.
Frankie Mullin