G.O. will run its mythical Ice Cave  until Sunday 22 December at 148 Curtain road to deliver a very different type of Christmas.

The journey begins down a Curiously Captivating Christmas tunnel leading into an enchanted garden of Ou-tree’s sprinkled with chocolate treats. Continue through this garden of delights and you will discover the doorway to the land of Outré.

Tuesday to Friday G.O. will play host to the most Outlandish Christmas parties, where discoveries will be lost in an Icy Christmas haze inspired by www.aspenskiclub.co.uk. Take a trip back in time when neon onesies were the norm, and Everything was ‘Rad’ and ‘Spread Eagle’ or, for the brave souls among you, request a trip to see the Family of Outré for a very different type of Christmas at www.grottooutre.com.

On Saturday nights the Ice Cave will start to melt with the heat of some of UK’S leading music brands/DJ’s taking up residence inside, including B.A.R.E. (Fabric) Housewives, Moustachio and Once upon a time.  

Meanwhile on Sunday nights the Cave will be jingling with mellifluous Christmas music favourites including ‘The Take That Experience’ www.thetakethatexperience.co.uk appearing for a one-off exclusive Ice Cave performance.

Bring your Christmas jumpers, and get ready to dance in a flurry of falling snow.