Capaldi was the bookie’s favorite for the role of the 12th Time Lord in the long running sci-fi series and at 55 will be the oldest Doctor Who since the very first actor to play the role, William Hartnell back in 1963.

“Being asked to play the Doctor is an amazing privilege. Like the Doctor himself I find myself in a state of utter terror and delight. I can’t wait to get started,” Scotsman Capaldi told the BBC.

“It’s so wonderful not to keep this secret any longer.”

Oscar and BAFTA winner Capaldi has previously appeared in once in Doctor Who playing Roman banker Caecilius, and again in the Doctor Who spin-off series Torchwood, playing a civil servant.

Show producer and writer Steven Moffat called Capaldi “an utterly brilliant, arresting-looking leading man – one of the most talented actors in Britain.”

Moffat told Digital Spy the choice was easy: “The list went, ‘Peter Capaldi’ – it was a very short list! Honestly, there was only one audition this time.”

Commenting on the TV special spoiling the surprise normally unveiled during the popular show itself, Stephen Fry commented on Twitter “As if we needed more proof the BBC has lost the f-ing plot. He’s supposed to bloody regenerate not be on a naff children’s show…at least they’ve chosen a wonderful actor.”

Here’s a clip from The Thick of It in which Capaldi’s infamous foul-mouthed political spin doctor Malcolm Tucker hilariously struggles to remember the name of the film Star Wars.

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