Are you waiting with bated breath for the festive season? Do you imagine hundreds of pressies under your tree, like you were living at the end of a Dickens Christmas tale?
Then we’ve got the perfect day for you.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past five years, you’ll have heard of Black Friday. But trying to imagine its seismic impact on sales in the retail industry is like trying to wrap your head around rocket science.
The cut price lowdown
For those of you not in the consumer loop, Black Friday is essentially the biggest day of cut-price bargains in the world. Thousands of people queue outside superstores on cold winter evenings, bracing the bad weather in preparation for the bargains which await them when shop doors finally open.
Those unwilling to fight for a cheap telly in a crowded shop head online to pick up bargains from a variety of major retailers.
We’re fascinated by Black Friday, which is why we’ve tracked down this fantastic infographic to give you a little more information.
The sheer hugeness of some of these figures is difficult to fathom. But one thing’s for sure – it’s a day that helps both consumers AND retailers.