A horde of zombies has moaned and groaned and shuffled its way through the English city of Leicester, weeks after  a "concerned citizen" used a

Freedom of Information request to ask how the local authorites would tackle a

zombie attack.

The inquiry stated: "Having watched several films it is clear that

preparation for such an event is poor and one that councils throughout

the kingdom must prepare for."

News that Leicester was unprepared for the living dead spread quickly on Facebook and Twitter and because it was so popular, local man James Dixon organised a march of zombies.

About 150 people in horror make-up took part in the "mass shamble".

Mr Dixon told the BBC: "We went for a shamble. We shambled from the clock to

the city council offices – about half a mile through the city centre.


were just a couple of security guards at the building. We didn't try to

get inside – just pressed ourselves up against the glass like zombies


"A few of us are in the pub now – it's been a really good day."

Another local said: "People were going about their normal routine when all of a sudden a steady horde of zombies came lumbering into view," he said.


was astonishing how everyone just seemed to stop and stare. Of course,

if it had been a real zombie attack I think folk would be running for

their lives."

Leicester City Council admitted it had no specific emergency plans for a zombie attack in place, but said the request had made council workers laugh.
