21-year-old Mark Fulk allegedly broke into the home of Jim and Helen Hardee in the town of Chesapeake, Va. wearing what the Huffington Post has described as a ‘skimpy towel’ which he promptly dropped after being challenged by the Hardees.
Fulk then allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and began threatening the couple, reportedly telling the Hardees that he was going to murder them and then kill himself.
Mrs Hardee however said that, initially at least, Fulk had been more afraid than he was threatening. Indeed, Mrs Hardee claims that Fulk begged for help and seemed highly distressed.
“He said, ‘I’m in trouble and I need help'”, said Mrs Hardee, who apparently let the naked man use the phone in their kitchen.
Fulk reportedly phoned the police, but was frustrated because the operators wouldn’t speak to him.
“Evidently they asked your address and your name and everything, he was dissatisfied so he threw the phone,” Jim Hardee told local television station, WTKR-TV.
It was then that the naked Fulk turned violent, seizing a knife and threatening the couple.
“… he said he was going to kill us both,” Jim Hardee told WTVR-TV. “At one point, he said ‘we’re all three gonna die here.’”
While the situation certainly looked hairy for Mr and Mrs Hardee, the arrival of the police seemed to strangely calm Fulk, who walked out of the house as if nothing had happened.
He was arrested and charged with a ream of offences, including breaking and entering and indecent exposure and is currently awaiting trial in a local jail.
Looks like somebody should have told Mr Fulk where the big towels were…
Image: Chesapeake Police Dept.